Climate Influence and Media Relations: Think Outside The Box
Andrea Learned writes that corporate #leaders and other influencers in the #climateaction space need to build #Twitter social capital for #mediarelations with major impact.
Andrea Learned writes that corporate #leaders and other influencers in the #climateaction space need to build #Twitter social capital for #mediarelations with major impact.
Andrea Learned introduces a new effort to bridge #plantbased diets to #climateaction, and suggests that #influencerrelations, #storytelling and #data are among the at-the-ready resources.
Over my years in climate action, I’ve certainly noticed a few things. One: organizations or approaches quickly fall into their siloed worlds. Two: There’s a lot of “Yes, but…” Both are stopping our roll forward. And, while I am far from the first person to use the term, I'd suggest that “Yes, and…” needs a [...]