Andrea Learned

Why Bikes? My Personal Sustainability Driver

By |2013-05-22T11:43:08-04:00May 22nd, 2013|Cause/Social Marketing, CSR, Sustainability - Plain Sight, Sustainability Change Agents|

What is with my obsession with bikes and why do I veer into urban transportation so much in my otherwise more sustainable business and corporate social responsibility-focused writing and social network sharing?  Being interviewed for a recent GOOD piece on the corporate sponsorship opportunities for bike share programs got me thinking... Women, urban biking and [...]

Corporate Citizenship Pros Know

By |2013-05-21T11:51:38-04:00May 21st, 2013|Cause/Social Marketing, CSR, Social Media, Sustainability Change Agents|

While social media was not directly mentioned in the topline findings of the recent Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship (BCCCC) report, “Leading Across the Organization: Profile of the Professionals 2013,” one glance at the executive summary does suggest a big social media opportunity. There is perhaps no more effective way than through social channels [...]

Communications Provincialism: The Bane of Sustainable Business

By |2013-04-19T13:37:40-04:00April 9th, 2013|Cause/Social Marketing, CSR, Social Media, Sustainability Change Agents, Sustainable Biz|

Something is going on in sustainable business communications that makes me think of those self-help books written to make even the most brilliant of women feel comfortable talking up their brilliance. What is happening is that incredible game-changing sustainable business wisdom is developing all over the country and globe, but word of it is somehow [...]

Brand Building and Creating Shared Value: An Interview with Denise Lee Yohn

By |2013-05-30T18:57:52-04:00February 27th, 2013|Cause/Social Marketing, CSR|

Denise Lee Yohn is a brand building expert who has been blogging, speaking and teaching clients how to “operationalize their brands” for twenty-five years.  We first met in 2009 by way of Twitter and, though yet to meet, we have long valued each other’s perspectives and learned from one another’s specialties.  Recently, she has been [...]

Committing to Good Business

By |2013-08-29T19:44:05-04:00September 28th, 2012|Cause/Social Marketing, Sustainability & CSR, Sustainability Change Agents|

A recent corporate reputation survey by CR Magazine and AllegisTalent2 shows that the majority of people, even in these tough job-finding times, would still not take a job offer from a company with a bad reputation.  Specifically, the results showed that 75 percent of Americans felt this way. This fairly surprising fact should get a [...]

Abigail Rodgers Sees Sustainability As a Corporate Leadership Beacon

By |2012-02-03T17:50:40-04:00February 3rd, 2012|Cause/Social Marketing, Sustainability Change Agents, SustyBizForum|

While Abigail Rodgers, VP of Global Sustainability Strategy and Communication for The Coca Cola Company, had a lot of great insight to share in my latest SustainableBusinessForum piece, her idea that sustainability serves as a corporate leadership beacon my have been the most important.  If they are looking for it, I'd guess that many a [...]

Sustainability 2012+: Emotional Intelligence Changes Everything

By |2011-12-29T20:35:22-04:00December 29th, 2011|Cause/Social Marketing, Sustainability - Plain Sight|

'Tis the season for "best of 2011" lists and 2012 trend forecasts.  From year to year, few of the items included in these compilations ever seem that earth-shatteringly newsworthy.  However, with an eye on the sustainability-forward business, seeing the longer term may be the point.  As it stands, few businesses undergo complete revolutions in thinking [...]

Question Assumptions. Be The Sustainability Vanguard.

By |2011-12-14T21:23:55-04:00December 14th, 2011|Cause/Social Marketing, Sustainability - Plain Sight, Sustainability Change Agents|

“The most impressive thing about them as scholars,” says David Easley, an economist at Cornell University, “is that in recent years they have questioned the assumptions of the models they helped to create, and they have been at the vanguard of the efforts to go beyond them.” The above quote from Jeff Sommer's New York [...]

Studying Up on Women and Sustainable Business

By |2011-11-07T13:22:26-04:00November 7th, 2011|Brain Science, Socio, Anthro, Cause/Social Marketing, SustyBizForum|

I'm excited to share that I have just launched a regular column on women and sustainable business for the SustainableBusinessForum.  The introductory piece is simply a call to study up on women.  I don't suggest this solely because women are likely to be a crucial consumer market for your company, but because understanding how they [...]

VPR Commentary (and HuffPost): Seeing Through A New Lens

By |2010-06-01T13:33:38-04:00June 1st, 2010|Cause/Social Marketing, Huffington Post Contribution, Video & Audio|

If you follow me on Twitter,  you could likely tell I was pretty excited about being able to attend the University of Michigan's (my alma mater!) commencement in early May, where President Obama spoke.  It was an incredible experience, and I left inspired to think differently and to see life through a new, more socially [...]

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VPR Commentary: The Sustainability SHIFT

By |2010-04-13T14:56:40-04:00April 13th, 2010|Cause/Social Marketing, Video & Audio|

I've written before about how the SHIFT toward sustainability happens because so many not-so-well-recognized men and women are doing their particular part.  Driven by personal passion and encouraged by one another, these are the people we need to start to notice.  That's what inspired the commentary I wrote for my most recent VPR piece.  Here's [...]

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