Andrea Learned

I’ve been writing about the “ins” and “outs” and the good and bad in marketing to women for almost a decade, but more recently have turned my eye to gender and sustainable business. So, this is where you’ll find my eBook of interviews with insightful twenty-first century marketing minds (9 Minds On Marketing), my manifesto on marketing to women for the common man, as well as my March 2011 Solutions Journal piece, Gender and the Sustainable Brain.

If you’re looking for a specific topic and don’t find it here or in my blog archives, let me know and I’d be happy to dig deeper into my files. Just give me a call at 206-466-2648 or email me at andrea [at] learnedonwomen [dot] com.

Employee Engagement: Nurturing Internal Partners

By |2013-08-29T19:52:29-04:00July 18th, 2011|Articles, Sustainability - Plain Sight, Sustainability & CSR|

  Thinking sustainably is about seeing the interconnections of systems around a particular business problem or issue. Since, among other things, the people involved, the natural world, and government regulations are ever-changing, there’s no way for a business to solve the sustainability issue once and for all. Businesses must embrace the fact that there will [...]

Gender and the Sustainable Brain – My Solutions Journal Piece

By |2013-10-25T17:17:41-04:00March 8th, 2011|Articles, Brain Science, Socio, Anthro, Leadership, Sustainability & CSR, Sustainability Change Agents|

The following first published in the March 2011 issue of The Solutions Journal. The crucial move toward sustainability may not come easily for either huge corporations or the average consumer, but we can hasten this evolution by identifying and nurturing the personality traits that most naturally drive sustainable living. Those qualities that we’ve long called [...]

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It’s All About the Journey: Step-by-Step In Reaching Women

By |2013-08-29T19:54:46-04:00August 28th, 2009|Articles, Marketing to Men, Sustainability & CSR|

  While it may be more commonly used in self-help or religious books, I've been seeing the word "journey" a lot in my sustainable business practice research. It strikes me that the word may, as well, be a good term/image both for representing a woman's buying path AND representing the path by which any brand [...]

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ChangeThis: Beware The Gender Trap In Marketing To Women

By |2009-03-18T15:02:26-04:00March 11th, 2009|Articles, Brain Science, Socio, Anthro, Marketing to Men, Men in Marketing to Women|

If marketers continue to create campaigns based on thinking that “men always do this” or “women always do that,” they are going to fall into a gender trap. In this era of the much more diligent shopper, we just can’t make assumptions about how gender influences consumer behavior. Those marketers that do risk irrelevance in [...]

Reaching Women Through Sustainable Business Practices

By |2013-08-29T19:53:35-04:00September 16th, 2008|Articles, Cause/Social Marketing, Leadership, Sustainability & CSR|

Sometimes the stars just align and consumer trends come together in a way that seems so natural. Consider, for instance, the women's market and sustainable business practices. If you've been struggling to pursue each as a separate initiative, take heart. In many ways, you will come to powerfully reach today's savviest women by taking steps [...]

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Marketing to Women for the Common Man

By |2013-08-29T19:56:59-04:00October 12th, 2005|Articles, Leadership|

"The non-planetary, bookshelf versions of 'Venus' and 'Mars' have conspired to make even the prospect of marketing to women a scary thing for a lot of men in business." For all common men out there: don't be afraid! Link to the ChangeThis site to download the PDF.

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