Andrea Learned

About Andrea Learned

I'm a gender, consumer behavior and sustainable business expert and writer, who works as the Sr. Social Media Strategist for Pyramid Communications. I co-authored a book on marketing to women, "Don't Think Pink" (2004), and am passionate about helping encourage companies that are heading toward more sustainable practices better reach their customers around that topic.

My Take On Local Political Leadership And Climate Influence

By |2023-03-20T16:40:39-04:00March 20th, 2023|#Bikes4Climate, Andrea Writes, climate action, Climate Influence, Insight, Interviews & Quotes, Leadership, Living Change Podcast, Political Capital|

Culver City leader Alex Fisch interviewed Andrea Learned recently for the Bike Talk podcast. In it, she shares her high level insights on how political leaders can build social capital and constituent engagement toward long-term, resilient trust.

Owning Your Corporate Climate Influence: A Must-See 2023 Trend

By |2022-12-16T17:00:57-04:00December 16th, 2022|Andrea Writes, Climate Influence, Insight, Leadership, Living Change Podcast, Sustainable Biz|

Andrea Learned calls for a corporate leadership trend in claiming and leveraging climate influence, to scale and speed the emissions-reduction benefits.

Living Change: On Being a #Bikes4Climate Mayor – Mark Gamba

By |2022-05-31T11:25:43-04:00May 31st, 2022|#Bikes4Climate, climate action, Climate Influence, Interviews & Quotes, Leadership, Living Change Podcast, Video & Audio|

Andrea Learned introduces her first #LivingChange #podcast episode with Mark Gamba, Oregon mayor who bikes his #ClimateInfluence and discusses how personal values-driven #leadership practices matter in #ClimateAction

Victoria, B.C. Complete Streets and Mayoral Leadership

By |2021-12-30T14:13:59-04:00December 30th, 2021|#Bikes4Climate, Andrea Writes, Climate Influence|

Andrea Learned talked with Victoria B.C.'s Mayor Lisa Helps in 2021 about her leadership approach in moving forward rapidly with bike infrastructure and complete streets.

Let’s GO Plant-Based For Climate #PlantBased4Climate

By |2021-06-07T12:49:05-04:00May 27th, 2021|Andrea Writes, climate action, Leadership, PlantBased|

Andrea Learned introduces a new effort to bridge #plantbased diets to #climateaction, and suggests that #influencerrelations, #storytelling and #data are among the at-the-ready resources.

Bicycles : a solution to the challenges of the post-COVID-19 recovery?

By |2020-09-18T16:07:33-04:00September 18th, 2020|#Bikes4Climate, Andrea Writes, Leadership, Sustainability Change Agents|

The challenge is to extend this moment of urgent collaboration to reduce costs and carbon emissions in the long term. and help countries reach their climate targets consistent with 1.5-degree scenarios. A truly green recovery must include a rapid uptake of biking infrastructure and successful collaborations, innovation and determination to allow people to travel safely.