ShiftUp Podcast #Bikes4Climate Conversation
Andrea talks with the Shift Up Podcast about the corporate and city #bikes4climate opportunity, given the dire predictions of the recent IPCC climate change report.
Andrea talks with the Shift Up Podcast about the corporate and city #bikes4climate opportunity, given the dire predictions of the recent IPCC climate change report.
Andrea writes about the #climateaction #leadership and bike industry disconnect at recent conferences, and the missed #bikes4climate opportunities to reduce city GHG emissions. #bikes4climate
Get over your press release addiction and aim for building industry leadership social capital for the longterm. Andrea presents a call to action to disrupt your earned media approach today.
Andrea Learned educates #sustainability and #climateaction leaders on strategies for speaking or conference preparation. Leverage your presence for impact.
Twitter is a powerful but often neglected B2B social media platform for developing longer term connections for collaborations and #leadership opportunities. You should be there if you aren’t already.
Andrea points to a book by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms on “new power,” and suggests that developing your own #socialmedia social capital could be key to starting up these new #leadership steps.
Leaders learn to use social media intentionally and strategically. Andrea provides clues for making the most out of fewer tweets, by using hashtags and crafting copy that bridges topics and trends. #leadership #twitter
Building a social media #leadership platform as part of a business development strategy does not get the attention it deserves. Andrea argues it’s quiet but differentiating power is worth much more attention. #bizdev
If you are a leader not yet building your social media platform, you are likely leaving opportunity on the table. Women’s business wisdom is extremely important these days, so Andrea suggests you invest in amplifying it.
Is your executive team developing its leadership platform(s) strategically enough to truly anticipate opportunities? Andrea sees very few that are, and notes the urgency in building social capital around #climateaction and #soicalimpact .
Andrea Learned and Joy Stauber in conversation about their creative fields and how to bring clients toward a growth mindset for greater, future impact. #design #climateaction #leadership
#Climateaction in the U.S. is now more important now than ever. Andrea Learned recommends that organizations and corporations rally around bikes, music and women’s leadership to develop community and real momentum. #bikes4climate #music4climate #women4climate